Name a Penn professor with whom you would like to study or conduct research and explain why. (1000 characters limit)
Version 1-1 (617 characters):
My professor of choice is Professor Fevzi Daldal in the biology department. Of the many professors in School of Arts and Sciences, I believe that Professor Daldal’s areas of interest will help me with my future studies...
Version 1-2 (643 characters):
My professor of choice is Professor Fevzi Daldal, who is a professor of biology. Of innumerable professors in School of Arts and Sciences, I believe that Professor Fevzi has areas of interest that will help me with my future studies...
Version 2 (868 characters):
To be honest, unfortunately, I have never had an opportunity to meet or, let alone, be acquainted with any of the Penn professors. So I randomly chose one professor among the faculty list with my eyes closed...
Version 3 (955 characters):
I am most drawn to Ms. Chi-ming Yang for her works of grafting European and Asian cultures. One of the researches that I would like to to find out whether Korean literature was influenced by the West...