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Essay FIle ±âº» Á¤º¸
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Cornell, Tufts, UC--Berkeley (Why School and/or Major): Chemistry & Pharmacy (2 versions) - ÈçÇÏ´Ù¸é ÈçÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â µ¿±â´Â ¾î¶»°Ô ±Øº¹ÇÏÁö?
Why School/Major Essays (BEST Reasons & Analogies)
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Essay FIle °£·« ¼³¸í
´ÙÀ½Àº ÄÚ³Ú´ëÇÐ(Cornell U)ÀÇ ´ëÇаú Àü°øÁö¿øµ¿±â(Why School & Major) ¹× ÅÍÇÁÃ÷´ëÇÐ(Tufts U)°ú Ķ¸®Æ÷´Ï¾Æ´ëÇÐ(U of California—Berkeley)ÀÇ °íÀ¯ ÁÖÁ¦ Áß¿¡ ÇϳªÀÎ “personal outlook”°ú “favorite subject”¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¡¼¼ÀÌ(°¢°¢ 500 ´Ü¾î¿Í 2,000 ÀÚ(¶Ç´Â 339 ´Ü¾î)·Î ÀÛ¼º)·Î È­Çаú »ýÈ­ÇÐ(Chemistry & Biochemistry) ¶Ç´Â ¾àÇаú ¾à¸®ÇÐ(Pharmacy & Pharmacology) °è¿­¿¡ Áö¿øÇÏ´Â Çлý¿¡°Ô ÀûÇÕÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ÈçÇÏ´Ù¸é ÈçÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â °è±â¸¦ Áö¿øµ¿±â·Î °Ý»ó½ÃŲ ³»¿ëÀ¸·Î Àü°ø¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¼³µæ·ÂÀÌ °­ÇÑ ¿¡¼¼ÀÌÀÔ´Ï´Ù.
Cornell U (College of Arts and Sciences): Describe your intellectual interests, their evolution, and what makes them exciting to you. Tell us how you will utilize the academic programs in the College of Arts and Sciences to further explore your interests, intended major, or field of study. (maximum of 500 words)
Rather unexceptional though it may be, the inception of my interest in chemistry began with my sister’s lifelong but “not life-threatening” ailment, or so they say... 
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´ÙÀ½Àº ÅÍÇÁÃ÷´ëÇÐ(Tufts U)°ú Ķ¸®Æ÷´Ï¾Æ´ëÇÐ(U of California—Berkeley)ÀÇ °íÀ¯ ÁÖÁ¦ Áß¿¡ ÇϳªÀÎ “personal outlook”°ú “favorite subject”¿¡ ¸ÂÃç °³ÀÛµÈ ¿øº» ¿¡¼¼ÀÌÀÇ »çº»ÀÌ´Ù.
Tufts U: For the second short response, we asked you to consider the world around you. Now, consider the world within. Taste in music, food, and clothing can make a statement while politics, sports, religion, and ethnicity are often defining attributes. Are you a vegetarian? A poet? Do you prefer YouTube or test tubes, Mac or PC? Are you the drummer in an all-girl rock band? Do you tinker? Use the richness of your identity to frame your personal outlook. (2,000 characters)
U of California—Berkeley: Please respond to any 4 of the 8 questions below. Responses to each question are limited to 350 words.
- Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you.
Rather unexceptional though it may be, my interest in chemistry began with my sister’s lifelong but “not life-threatening” ailment, or so they say...
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