Life is like a sea urchin. It is a dimensionless graph consisting of countless axes that liken to the “test” and “spines” of a sea urchin. Each axis is given different factors and variables, and they are given equally to each and every one of us at birth. Although equals in the numbers of factors and variables, each and every one of us is different, because of the differing approaches to these factors and variables, namely, “individuality.” The determinants of individuality, the dimensions of the life graph, are called the “choices.” The choices we constantly make either consciously or unconsciously connect the points on the axes according to the factors and variables, and an individual’s dimensions of life are thus determined. The factors and variables on the axes are countless; they could be a book to be read, an entrée to be relished, a person to be brushed, an accident to be encountered, and sometimes, the possibility of being attacked by a cheetah...