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Dartmouth Peer Recommendation (47 words & 927 words)
Supporting Materials
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Essay FIle °£·« ¼³¸í


How long have you known this candidate and in what context?

47-word version
I have known Ä£±¸À̸§ for three years. I was in the same class for three years, lived in the same dormitory room and...

What are the first words that come to your mind to describe this candidate?
Passionate, Responsible, Witty

We would appreciate a statement, on the second page of this form, based on your knowledge and observation of this candidate. We suggest a candid statement, covering both personal and academic qualities. Specific anecdotes are much more helpful than general observations.

We are interested in learning about this student’s contributions to school or community, ability to work with others, and his/her interests, special talents, and experiences. Do you have any reservations about his/her application to Dartmouth? We welcome all comments you feel are relevant.

Thanks for your help.


927-word version

Peer Evaluation for Ä£±¸À̸§

I never imagined I would be given the opportunity to get to know nearly everything about one person: sleeping habits, food preference, style of clothing, favorite color, least-favorite color, whether she takes shower in the morning or at night, what happens to her when she is sleep-deprived for three days, the location of pimples on her face, so on and so forth. Someone that I have to be with every single minute excluding the few minutes that I spend alone on the toilet. It may sound horrific to some, yet I am quite grateful that I have such a close friend. I have spent the last three years with Ä£±¸À̸§, taking classes, having meals together and living in the same dormitory room. Nevertheless, I cannot say I know her perfectly; yet, as someone who has watched her go through her smiles and tears, I believe I am qualified to write at least a page about her.

When I look at Ä£±¸À̸§ now, I sometimes wonder, “how did I get so close to her?” but I remember my first encounter with her vividly. In the beginning of the second semester of the first year, I was struggling with making new friends because of my quiet disposition and because I had returned from Canada only a few days ago. It was Ä£±¸À̸§ who approached me first. I remember her as a girl who feels comfortable speaking in front of many, who knows how to start a pleasant conversation with even strangers and who loves to entertain those around her with jokes and funny faces. Although I used to be the exact opposite, with her influence now I no longer fear speaking to an audience. To provide an example of Ä£±¸À̸§’s cheerful personality and its influence, I can talk about a short Spiderman film that we made on a stormy night. The two of us were jumping over bunk beds and shooting invisible web at each other while a friend filmed us on camera. It was a great way to shoot away our stress during the exam week. Ä£±¸À̸§ is someone who always stays optimistic and full of energy, helping others to cheer up and move on...

Your statement will become a part of our confidential admissions files for use only by appropriate officials of the College. At no time will the candidate have access to it nor will it become part of any permanent records if the candidate enrolls at Dartmouth.

Please send the completed form to: Dean of Admissions, 6016 McNutt Hall, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755-3541.

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