Describe a trait or characteristic that has been passed along to you by your family. Tell us why you like or dislike this part of yourself. (500 character limit)
Version 1 (490 characters):
All members of my family like to thrust themselves into some kind of an adventure, and we easily adjust to the changes that we experience through it...
Version 2 (497 characters):
Korea underwent the "IMF Crisis," in which many people lost their jobs. My father’s business was also threatened by the crisis...
Version 3 (343 characters):
Optimism is a characteristic that had been passed along to me by my family, a simple and yet potent trait as it motivates and revitalizes me...
Version 4 (402 characters):
A family trait that I am proud of is a positive mindset. Both of my grandmothers, who are now in their nineties, have lived to great ages...
Version 5 (473 characters):
One family trait that I respect and am proud of is the sense of humor and optimism. For instance, my grandfather has a great sense of humor...