NYU: Regardless of whether or not you have an intended major or concentration, please elaborate on an academic area of interest and how you wish to explore it at NYU`s campuses in New York or Abu Dhabi or at one of our global academic centers around the world. Please share any activities or experiences you have had that have cultivated your intellectual interests leading you to choose to study at the NYU campus of your choice. (1500 characters)
1471-character version: BBDDS (Pre-Professional Dentistry – BA in Biology and Doctor of Dental Science with the College of Dentistry) - New York U
“So, you want to be a dentist?” “Yes…” “But do you really want to look into people’s mouth for a living?” “Well… What made you become a dentist then?” “Me? I wanted to…” Before he could finish, a scared girl in tears came in, a sight not particularly difficult to see at a dentist’s office...
1493-character version: BBDDS (Pre-Professional Dentistry – BA in Biology and Doctor of Dental Science with the College of Dentistry) - New York U
“So, you want to be a dentist?” “Yes…” “But do you really want to look into people’s mouth for a living?” “Well… What made you to become a dentist then?” “Oh well… I love this job because...” Before he could finish, a scared girl in tears came in, a sight not particularly difficult to see at a dentist’s office...
Case Western Reserve (Pre-Professional Scholars Essay 1): By applying to the Pre-Professional Scholars Program, you are applying to gain admission to professional school earlier than students who apply in the traditional way. Please indicate why you’re interested in your chosen profession. How do you see yourself being particularly suited to this field? What events and/or experiences have led you to your choice? This essay should be between 250 and 500 words in length.
344-word version: Pre-Professional Dentistry – Case Western Reserve U
“So, you want to be a dentist?” said Dr. ¼±»ý´Ô¼ºÇÔ while preparing his equipments. “Yes! I have been thinking about it ever since I had my first tooth pulled.” “Huh? Oh, you’re an interesting case... But do you really want to look into people’s mouth for a living?” “Hmm… Well, I never thought about it in that sense, but… Well, what made you to become a dentist then, Dr. ¼±»ý´Ô¼ºÇÔ?” “Me? Oh, well… I love this job because...”
But before he could finish, a scared girl in tears came in, a sight not particularly difficult to see at a dentist’s office...