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Essay File.274
Personal/Activity Essays (Recommended)
UC—Berkeley: Additional Comments (optional) If you wish, you may use this space to tell us anything else you want us to know about you that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere in the application. (no more than 550 words) Virginia Tech: Freshman Applicant Personal Stat..
\ 8,800
Essay File.273
Personal/Activity Essays (BEST Ideas & Stories)
´ÙÀ½Àº Á¶ÁöŸ¿î´ëÇÐ(Georgetown U)°ú ÇÁ¸°½ºÅÏ´ëÇÐ(Princeton U)ÀÇ È°µ¿(Activity) °ü·Ã ÁÖÁ¦¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¡¼¼ÀÌ(°¢°¢ 255 ´Ü¾î¿Í 188 ´Ü¾î·Î ÀÛ¼º)ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ÁöÅ°Áö ¸øÇÑ ¾à¼ÓÀ» ÅëÇØ ÀÚ½ÅÀ» µ¹¾Æº¸°Ô µÇ´Â ½ºÅ丮·Î ªÁö¸¸ ±íÀº ¿©¿îÀ» ³²±â´Â ³»¿ëÀÌ ÀλóÀûÀÎ ¿¡¼¼ÀÌÀÔ´Ï´Ù. Georgetown U: Briefly discuss the signif..
\ 11,000
Essay File.272
Personal/Activity Essays (Recommended)
I was handing out prescriptions when I caught your eyes peeping in. You were different because you held my hands when everyone else shied away...
\ 8,800
Essay File.271
Personal/Activity Essays (Recommended)
92-word version: I volunteered at a Red Cross hospital in Korea. I was responsible for odd jobs that quickly became tedious... 154-word version: ...I was responsible for organizing charts, cleaning rooms, and translating documents, and the work quickly became tedious... 181-word version:..
\ 8,800
Essay File.270
Personal/Activity Essays (Recommended)
156-word version: I met my 7th grader webbies for the first time as their peer mentor on the first day of school... 282-word version: ...Although my webbies might have thought strangely of me for my suggestion, I needed something to break the ice and to get to know each other better...
\ 8,800
Essay File.269
Personal/Activity Essays (BEST Ideas & Stories)
´ÙÀ½Àº °¢°¢ MIT(¸Å»çÃß¼¼Ã÷°ø´ë)¿Í Caltech(Ķ¸®Æ÷´Ï¾Æ°ø´ë)ÀÇ °íÀ¯ ÁÖÁ¦ÀÎ “significant challenge”¿Í “ethical dilemma” ±×¸®°í ÇÁ¸°½ºÅÏ´ëÇÐ(Princeton U)°ú ½ºÅÄÆÛµå´ëÇÐ(Stanford U)ÀÇ È°µ¿(Activity) °ü·Ã ÁÖÁ¦¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¡¼¼ÀÌ(°¢°¢ 250 ´Ü¾î¿Í 150 ´Ü¾î ±×¸®°í 100 ´Ü¾î·Î ÀÛ¼º)ÀÔ´Ï´Ù...
\ 11,000
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