Common Application: Additional Information (4 versions)
CommonApp: Do you wish to provide details of circumstances or qualifications not reflected in the application?
You may use the space below to provide any additional information you wish to share. You may enter up to 650 words.
Version 1: 295 words
Explanation for a Failed Grade
I do admit that it may very well sound like nothing short of an excuse for lack of enthusiasm and commitment on my part...
Version 2: 241 words
Explanation for a Failed Grade
I do admit that it may very well sound like nothing short of an excuse for lack of enthusiasm and commitment on my part...
UC (Optional Additional Comments): If there's anything else you want us to know about you, now's your chance. But remember, you should use this space only if you want to describe anything that you have not had the opportunity to include elsewhere in the application. This shouldn't be an essay, but rather a place to explain unusual personal or family circumstances, or anything that may be unclear in other parts of the application. This should not be used to answer an additional personal insight question. (550 words)
Version 3: 216 words
I do admit that it may very well sound like nothing short of an excuse for lack of enthusiasm and commitment on my part...
Version 4: 292 words
I do admit that it may very well sound like nothing short of an excuse for lack of enthusiasm and commitment on my part...