Notre Dame: What is one small detail in the world that you notice and wish others did, too? (approximately 150 words or 2000 characters)
118-word (or 652-character) version: U of Notre Dame
One small detail in the world that I noticed is that a variety of colors can be used to express a single picture or a scene in nature. Rather than a typical green color to create a forest scene, artists use different colors to express different aspects of the same forest...
Notre Dame: Tell us about a time when you have surprised others or yourself by doing something unexpected. (approximately 150 words or 2000 characters)
123-word (or 674-character) version: U of Notre Dame
When I was in 10th grade, we were working on our water color projects in our drawing and design class. We had to observe ourselves and draw our self-portraits. We had to incorporate our moods with the colors we use. Since water color easily gets spilled and ruined, most of my classmates were very careful with their hands to avoid spills...
U of Michigan: “We know that diversity makes us a better university – better for learning, for teaching, and for conducting research.” (U-M President Mary Sue Coleman)
Share an experience through which you have gained respect for intellectual, social, or cultural differences. Comment on how your personal experiences and achievements would contribute to the diversity of the University of Michigan. (approximately 250 words)
281-word version: U of Michigan:
Ever since I was little, I have always been a part of the art circles around me. When I was in 10th grade, we were working on our water color projects in our drawing and design class. We had to observe ourselves and draw our self-portraits. We had to incorporate our moods with the colors we use...
Carnegie Mellon: Why are you choosing to study Design?
285-word version: Carnegie Mellon – College of Fine Arts
Design is an exhilarating vocation as well as an avocation for me as it allows me to unaffectedly express my emotions through my works. Being that said, there is one aspect in design that I love exploring and wish others would also...