Common Application: Supplementary Essay(s) (2 versions)
U of Southern California: Students are known to be involved. Briefly describe a non-academic pursuit (such as service to community or family, a club or sport, or work, etc.,) that best illustrates who you are, and why it is important to you. (250 word limit)
Version 1: 104 words
During our sophomore year, my friend and I founded Music Residential that started out with a small but promising number of five members...
U of Wisconsin—Madison: Activity Statement
Briefly explain (in 50-100 words), how you decided which activity was the most important to you.
Babson College: Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences (limit 100 words).
Version 2: 100 words
During our sophomore year, my friend and I founded Music Residential that started out with a small but promising number of five members...