Bowdoin: How did you first learn about Bowdoin? (150 characters)
25-word version
Upon learning about Bowdoin from a family friend, I realized through research that it was perfect for me...
Macalester: How did you first learn about Macalester? (250 characters)
38-word version
I first learned about Macalester from my counselor and, upon continuous research, realized that it was perfect for me...
Brown: How did you find out about Brown? For example, from a person, publication, campus visit, etc.? (300 characters)
58-word version
Although I cannot recall from who or what or where, as far as I know, I have always known about Brown for neither its prestige nor its liberalism...
Washington & Lee: Optional
Tell us about the way in which you have familiarized yourself with Washington and Lee University. (500 characters)
87-word version
Upon learning about W&L from my college counselor, I began researching into the university online though reluctantly at first since I knew next to nothing about it...
Colgate: How did you first learn about Colgate? (500 characters)
89-word version
As I first learned about Colgate from my cousin in NY, I began researching though nonchalantly at first since I knew next to nothing about the university...