Brown: Please tell us more about your interest in Brown: Why does Brown appeal to you as a college option? Who or what has influenced your decision to apply? (1000 characters)
989-character version: Brown an aspiring advertiser, I did not take long to come up with samples of what the children and I wanted to do...
Columbia: For applicants to The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, please tell us what attracts you specifically to the study of engineering. (1500 characters)
1450-character version: Columbia – Fu Foundation an aspiring engineer specialist in the field of advertising and communication, I did not take long to come up with samples of what the children and I wanted to do...
Notre Dame: Why are you interested in attending the University of Notre Dame? (approximately 150 words or 2000 characters)
1460-character (or 265-word) version: U of Notre Dame an aspiring communication specialist in advertising, I did not take long to come up with samples of what the children and I wanted to do...