Common Application: Additional Information (2 versions)
Please provide an answer below if you wish to provide details of circumstances or qualifications not reflected in the application. You may enter up to 650 words.
U of Illinois—Urbana Champaign: Academic Challenges
Have you faced any challenges throughout your academic career that you feel we should be aware of while reviewing your application?
Do you have a low grade or a drop in grades that you have not already explained? Is there anything else we need to know regarding your academic history?
202-word version:
Looking back, when I first went to Salem Academy in the middle of eight grade, I really was not ready for the rigors of a boarding school life...
UC—Berkeley: Additional Comments (optional)
Tell us anything else you want us to know about your academic record that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere in this section.
International applicants: If you selected Other as your school's grading system, please explain the grading system here.
(Entries over 550 characters will be truncated. The following characters count as more than one: & > < and new lines.)
550-character version:
When I first went to Salem Academy in the middle of eight grade, I really was not ready...