246-word version: Political Science U – of Michigan
Peculiar though it may sound coming from an average teenage girl, “politics” was never a disregard for me. I have always liked reading newspapers more than reading novels, because I was brought up in a politician’s family and it engendered in me an incomparable interest in political science...
792-word version: Asian Studies & International Relations – Cornell
Peculiar though it may sound coming from an average teenage girl, politics and current affairs were never a disregard for me. I have always liked reading newspapers more than reading novels, because I was brought up in a politician’s family and it engendered in me an incomparable interest in the current issues of Asia. Discussing politics and heeding to the current affairs were something I dutifully enjoyed, because my grandfather habitually challenged me with current affairs and political concerns...
862-word version: Political Science & Intl. Relations – Emory (Scholarship Essay)
Peculiar though it may sound coming from an average teenage girl, “politics” was never a disregard for me. I have always liked reading newspapers more than reading novels, because I was brought up in a politician’s family and it engendered in me an incomparable interest in political science. Discussing politics and heeding to current affairs were something I dutifully enjoyed, because my grandfather habitually challenged me with current political concerns...