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Essay File.28
Why School/Major Essays (Recommended)
Rochester: The Rochester Curriculum - University of Rochester students enroll with no required subjects as they design their own college path. Write about the subjects and learning situations that interest you most, and how you intend to use your autonomy here. (1000 characters) 988-character..
\ 8,800
Essay File.27
Personal/Activity Essays (BEST Ideas & Stories)
´ÙÀ½Àº °¢°¢ ÇϹöµå´ëÇÐ(Harvard U)°ú ÇÁ¸°½ºÅÏ´ëÇÐ(Princeton U)ÀÇ °íÀ¯ ÁÖÁ¦ Áß¿¡ ÇϳªÀÎ “ÁöÀû °æÇè(intellectual experience)”°ú “ÇÁ¸°½ºÅÏ, ±¹°¡¿Í Àηù¿¡ °øÇåÇÏ´Ù(Princeton in the nation’s service and the service of humanity)”¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¡¼¼ÀÌ(°¢°¢ 650 ´Ü¾î·Î ÀÛ¼º)·Î »ý¹°ÇÐ..
\ 11,000
Essay File.26
Personal/Activity Essays (Recommended)
727-word version: As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be unique because I never ceased to enjoy being in the spotlight. It all began in third grade when I became determined to become left-handed... 781-word version: As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be unique becaus..
\ 8,800
Essay File.25
Personal/Activity Essays (Recommended)
I sighed and looked at Ms. ¼±»ý´Ô¼ºÇÔ dazedly. “Mr. ¼±»ý´Ô¼ºÇÔ doesn’t like it.” ‘Urgh!’ Crying out in stress, I shot a look at the firmly closed principal’s office...”
\ 8,800
Essay File.24
Personal/Activity Essays (Recommended)
UC—Berkeley: Additional Comments (optional) If you wish, you may use this space to tell us anything else you want us to know about you that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere in the application. (no more than 550 words) 474-word version: As I am always open to new op..
\ 8,800
Essay File.23
Personal/Activity Essays (Recommended)
228-word version: Although I could have stayed home...I decided against it because I wanted to find out for myself if I could do the work I aspired... 338-word version: Although I could have stayed home...I decided against it because I wanted to be...completely independent... I wanted to find..
\ 8,800
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