169-word version: Chinese University of Hong Kong
I decided to apply to the Chinese University of Hong Kong for several reasons. Though I am from South Korea, I do not have much knowledge about other Asian countries. I have very little knowledge of Asia and, ironically, more about the United States where I had spent only about eight years of my life...
361-word version: National University of Singapore
When I was fourteen, I decided to study in the United States because I thought learning another language and culture was important not only for my career but also in becoming a well-rounded cosmopolitan. Although it was difficult to adapt at first, learning new subjects in a new environment was a great pleasure...
396-word version: University of Hong Kong
When I was fourteen years old, I left home to study in the United States. At that time, I decided to study in a foreign country because I thought learning another language and culture was really important not only for my career but also in becoming a modern cosmopolitan...