Coursework Other Than A-G (up to 5)
Direct Research Program (DRP) (11th~12th) (5 hrs./wk., 52 wks./yr.)
Researched the market trend of the online computer game industry and wrote a thesis on consumer preference for gaming methodologies
Advanced Economics (12th) (5 hrs./wk., 52 wks./yr.)
A year¬long con¬tin¬u¬a¬tion of the study of Eco¬nom¬ics. Build¬ing on the the¬o¬ries and con-cepts in AP Eco¬nom¬ics, fur¬ther study top¬ics se¬lected by the class mem¬bers.
AP Calculus BC (12th) (5 hrs./wk., 52 wks./yr.)
The Ad¬vanced Place¬ment Cal¬cu¬lus BC is taught as a con¬tin¬u¬a¬tion of AP Cal¬cu¬lus AB, and in¬tro¬duces far¬ther study of mul¬ti¬vari¬ate.
AP Statistics (12th) (5 hrs./wk., 52 wks./yr.)
The Ad¬vanced Place¬ment Sta¬tis¬tics is the high school equiv¬a¬lent of a oneyear, in¬tro¬duc-tory col¬lege sta¬tis¬tics course.
AP Psychology (11th) (5 hrs./wk., 52 wks./yr.)
A year¬long course that in¬tro¬duces stu¬dents to the sys¬tem¬atic and sci¬en¬tific study of be-hav¬ior and men¬tal processes of human be¬ings.
Educational Preparation Programs (up to 5)
Volunteer & Community Service (up to 5) µîµî