546-word version:
Line of Best Fit
When I encountered various obstacles or novel situations, I tended to treat them as mere equations that just need the proper approach to solve...
570-word version:
Line of Best Fit
Until recently, my view of life was rather theoretically. Just as physicists struggle to find a “general theory” that would explain every phenomenon in the universe, I believed that life had hidden rules to follow...
688-word version:
Line of Best Fit
Up until recently, I considered my life rather theoretically. Just as physicists struggle to find a “general theory” that would explain every phenomenon in the universe, I believed that life had a hidden rule that I had to follow...
779-word version:
Line of Best Fit
Up until recently, I considered my life rather theoretically. Just as physicists struggle to find a “general theory” that would explain every phenomenon in the universe, I believed that life had a hidden rule that I had to follow...