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Essay FIle ±âº» Á¤º¸
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Student Government: UVA, Rice, Columbia, UC--Berkeley (3 versions)
Personal/Activity Essays (Recommended)
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Essay FIle °£·« ¼³¸í
Columbia: Briefly describe which single activity listed in the Activity section of your Common Application represents your most meaningful commitment and why. (150 words or less)
Rice: Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (150 word limit)
150-word version
Growing up, being educated, and acquiring an identity in a conservative society like Korea, where the communal norm is to “keep to yourself,” the concept of “brother’s keeper” seemed very distant...
UC—Berkeley Scholarship Essay: 200 words or fewer. Please describe an endeavor during high school in which you accomplished a leadership goal and created a positive impact among your peers.
176-word version
Growing up, being educated, and acquiring an identity in a relatively conservative society like Korea, where the communal norm of the majority is to “keep to yourself,” the concept of “brother’s keeper” seemed very distant...
UVA: Answer one of the following questions in a half page or roughly 250 words (Please select the prompt you are responding to):
- What’s your favorite word and why?
- The Honor Code at U.Va. states that students will not lie, cheat, or steal. This strengthens our Community of Trust. What would you add to the Honor Code and why?
- In 2006, graduate student Robert Stilling discovered an unpublished poem by Robert Frost while doing research in U.Va.’s Small Collections Library. Where will your Stilling moment be in college?
- We are a community with quirks, both in language (we’ll welcome you to Grounds, not campus) and in traditions. Describe one of your quirks and why it is part of who you are.
- To tweet or not to tweet?
250-word version
Growing up, being educated, and acquiring an identity in a conservative society like Korea, where the communal norm of the majority is to “keep to yourself,” the concept of “brother’s keeper” seemed very distant from me until I became the Chair of Student Guidance Committee...
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