New York City is an essential element of academic and cultural life at NYU. If you could start a club or service organization at NYU, what would it be and how would you envision it impacting the larger community? (500 character limit)
Version 1 (827 characters):
If I were to start my own club or organization, I would start a student-run Korean restaurant...
Version 2 (493 characters):
If I could a start a club at NYU, I would create an organization that fosters to the understanding of different cultures...
Version 3 (494 characters):
Having visited several countries and studied in an American boarding school, I naively thought that I was a cosmopolitan...
Version 4-1 (620 characters):
Soccer has had an eminent impact on my life. As the captain of the varsity team, I learned not only how to lead but also to befriend and understand others...
Version 4-2 (496 characters):
As the captain of the varsity soccer team, I learned not only how to lead but also to befriend and understand others...