Title: Creation
As an adolescent, I often figured we evolved from sea shells, for I was ever so fascinated by the naïve notion that we descended from...
Title: She Sells Swan Elephant, Sea Shells at the Sea Shore, Demented Refleciónes
Pressing my ear against the aperture of the shell, I can hear the serene consonance of waves rolling evanescently and yet everlastingly into the shore...
Title: Sea Shells’ Melody
The shape of sea shells is reminiscent of an eye, the mouth, the ocean, and the half of an apple, prompting me to portray the images with the shells themselves...
Title: Naked
Just as the smooth interior of the shell is very different from its rough exterior, when a woman is curried and guised to be presentable to the society...
Title: Abracadabra Da Eruh Juhra, Make My Wish Come True
Blinding myself from worldly concerns allows all my senses to come alive, compelling me to express the emotions that surge within as...
Title: Half and Half
The unconventional, skeletal-like portrayal of the visage depicts my thoughts whereas the conventional portrays my emotions...
Title: The Park’s Three Ps: Perspective, Perseverance and Perspiration
My eyes perceive, my head perseveres, and my heart perspires to process what the previous two transmit...
Title: Thin-slicing a Brain
I always muse and dream, obliging me to visually depict and elucidate the contemplating cloud that I envision in my brain...
Title: Lapin A La Cocotte
Only a bare, thin line exists between what is appropriate and what is not. Although it is very easy to regard an unfamiliarity...
Title: Sky Dive
Society’s unnatural creations and expectations do the many veins desire...
Title: Window Sills
Just as every window sill has its own story to tell, so do our lives. But if the idiosyncrasies of our lives were viewed from a distance...
Title: Confounded Skull
A skull symbolizes both life and death, aspects of our mortality that could not and ought not be controlled in the past...
Title: Self-portrait: Juice Time Out
In a self-portrait depicting the heydays of my professional dance career...
Title: Red Apples
This piece shows my technical skills of drawing still life figures.
Title: Nature and People
People often find solace when they find marks of human existence in nature, without understanding that we are part of the nature...
Title: Art is Where My Imagination Becomes Reality
There are no set rules in a sketchbook. I can make a paper boat fly in the sky and I can give a person the ability to fly...
Title: A Sip of Utopia
If we can just ponder a bit outside the box, we can run into our unexpected inner auras...
Title: For Whom the Bell Tolls
When a girl wants to become pretty, so that she can fit into a society’s standard of beauty...
Title: The Rabbit in the Alice in the Wonderland
Just follow the rabbit. It’s a gamble, but who knows, the rabbit might just know what he is doing...
Title: A Beautiful Shell
I explored the form of a shell. I realized how beautiful it was...
Title: Nakedness
A woman’s nakedness brings down all the walls that separate each human being from another.
Title: Seeing Myself in the Mirror
It is quite odd people always think that their visages resemble their reflections in the mirror, when a skull rather than the dermal effigy, always...