Brown: In reading your application, we want to get to know you as well as we can. We ask that you use this opportunity to tell us something more about yourself that would help us toward a sense of who you are, how you think, and what issues and ideas interest you most. Your statement should not exceed 500 words or 3500 characters.
474-word version: Literature-oriented – Brown
...Because it was difficult for me even to open my eyes, I stayed in bed all day. As boredom became more and more unbearable than the infection, my mother played several fairy tale audio books for me...
UIUC: The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign seeks a diverse and exciting community of students. In an essay of no more than 300 words, tell us more about yourself, describing interests and accomplishments which are not indicated elsewhere on this application.
244-word version: Literature-oriented – UIUC (U Illinois—Urbana Champaign)
...Because it was difficult for me even to open my eyes, I stayed in bed all day. As boredom became more and more unbearable than the infection, my mother played several fairy tale audio books for me...