OSU: Choose one of the following two questions and be sure to indicate at the start of your essay which question you have selected. Limit your response to 300 words. Reflect on your answer and be attentive to spelling and grammar. We`re looking for responses that might tell us something about you that we wouldn`t pick up from the rest of your application; there are no wrong answers to these questions.
1. Why are you considering The Ohio State University?
2. As you think about the next four years, what are you looking forward to that might surprise your friends or family members?
299-word version
I want to study in Ohio State University (OSU) for three reasons. One, after deciding to study mathematics, I visited the United States two times in 2011 and went to several schools that I had interest in. I became eager to study in OSU because no school bears a bigger name both in academic and in global networking than OSU...